ATL Takes on #Boston128
Every year on the third Monday in April, the running world - including a healthy contingent from Atlanta, pun intended - gathers to take part in the Boston Marathon. In its 128 years, Boston's weather on marathon day has ranged from snow squalls to brutal heat, from driving rain to the darkness of a partial solar eclipse in 1939. This year, ideal conditions at the start gave way to rising temperatures as the day went on, reaching a high of 72 degrees at 3 p.m. But even though personal bests were harder to come by, the thrill of finishing - or even just watching - the historic race never changes. As always, Atlanta Track Club was well-represented.
Ronnel Blackmon, Atlanta Track Club Emcee
"Despite the grueling conditions, the experience was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, leaving a lasting memory and a desire to take on the challenge again," Blackmon said in his post-race recap on Instagram.

Addie Anderson, Atlanta Track Club Ambassador
"What a tough but awesome race!!" Anderson wrote on Instagram. "An experience I won't forget... time to hobble around for a few days."

David Seifert, Atlanta Track Club Race Participant
"I was hoping for a PR, but I knew after the first 10K that wasn't going to happen, so I backed off and tried to soak everything in. Even though I didn't hit my goal, I ran a lot of miles next to the legend and 2014 Boston winner @runmeb (and I beat him! He was probably doing his easy long run yesterday)," Seifert wrote in his recap.

January Pugh, Atlanta Track Club Member
"3 years, 4 countries, 6 races: 1 amazing journey came to an end yesterday at the Boston Marathon," Pugh wrote in her Instagram post recapping her journey completing all six Abbott World Marathon Majors.

Dr. Kacy Seynders, PT for Atlanta Track Club Elite team
"How I want to remember the Boston Marathon this year," Seynders said in her recap. "The one where I bent but didn't break. The one where my body held up an entire training cycle against all odds... The one where the process and journey was the only thing left."

Shelly Coburn, Atlanta Track Club Ambassador
"It is crazy to say it, but honestly, I never run alone," Coburn wrote on Instagram. "I am a part of Atlanta Track Club, RAD Rabbits, Garmin Ambassadors, and Team Nuun, and I have friends I have never met face to face that I got a chance to hug this week and get high fives."

Andrea Zmaj, Atlanta Track Club Ambassador
"Boston #6, marathon #78 and a course PR of 3:15:01 despite the heat," Zmaj wrote in her summary on Instagram.

Katie Lail, Atlanta Track Club Employee
"Eternally grateful to all of my amazing friends and family for your support - wouldn't be here without you," Lail wrote on Facebook.

Nicole Quilliam, Atlanta Track Club Participant
"I'm proud of my grit yesterday. My heart is full and my quads are busted in the best way possible," Quilliam wrote on Instagram.